Here's one emotion filled tune by Will Atkinson.
This true uplifting tune is dedicated to his grandmother which passed away.
Maybe one of the best tunes of the year. Here it is Will Atkinson pres. Josep - Lillian. Enjoy !
Publicat de Thetrance vineri, 17 iunie 2011 la 11:36
Here's one emotion filled tune by Will Atkinson.
This true uplifting tune is dedicated to his grandmother which passed away.
Maybe one of the best tunes of the year. Here it is Will Atkinson pres. Josep - Lillian. Enjoy !
0 comentarii Etichete: josep, trance, uplifting, will atkinson
Publicat de Thetrance miercuri, 15 iunie 2011 la 12:43
30 second Preview of each track from the upcoming album Group Therapy by Above & Beyond.
1. Filmic
2. Alchemy
3. Sun & Moon
4. You Got To Go
5. Black Room Boy
6. Giving It Out
7. On My Way To Heaven
8. Prelude
9. Sun In Your Eyes
10. Love Is Not Enough
11. Every Little Beat
12. Sweetest Heart
13. Thing Called Love
14. Only A Few Things
15. Eternal
Available now.
0 comentarii Etichete: Above and Beyond, group therapy, trance, uplifting
Publicat de Thetrance marți, 14 iunie 2011 la 21:35
Romanian trance star Suncatcher remixes one nice uplifting tune by Solis named True to me. Just an awesome melody which i can say it brings eargasm ! Enjoy.
RELEASE DATE : 4th July 2011 [Infrasonic Recordings]
0 comentarii Etichete: Solis, Suncatcher, trance, uplifting
Publicat de Thetrance la 16:52
After some time, i've decided i could relax on here, posting some good music for you. I've abandoned this site a while ago because my time was short, but now i should be back on track. Here's a nice summer trance song ! Remix of some classic Planet Funk tune from some time ago, this is CHASE THE SUN (Sunsido Remix). See you soon.
0 comentarii Etichete: planet funk, summer, trance